
On a Happy Note...

This has been a rough summer-
but on a happy note. 
Shane and I went to Bermuda.
I will post more photos tomorrow. 
It was beautiful and a nice break from reality!


Unknown said...

SWEET! Bermuda! You two look so good! One day I hope Ron & I can do the same. Welcome back, Kara. You are very missed when you're gone. ((hugs)) on the rough summer.

Leah C said...

so glad you got some "happy time" away with your hubby:)

Caleen said...

So happy you got to do something for yourselves. Time for "US" time! What a great place to be relaxing and getting away for a while to recover. :)

Rachel said...

Kara you look great! I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad's health. I'm still praying for you and your family. Let me know if you need anything! Can't wait to see you this Fall. Btw, I changed my Brave Girl week to February! So I'll be there with you :)

Love ya!