Oh, I am lovin' this vacation album. It is for my July class. I have pages 1 and 2 finished. Eight more pages to design. Let me tempt your pallet. Picture a world that spins with mini photos...page 1. Turn the page, to a suitcase mini book and and interactive airplane flying out of your album. I am using many of the concepts from the book Pockets, Pullouts, and Hiding Places by Jenn Mason.http://jennmason.blogspot.com/ Quarry books 2005. I will be showing you how to make the page protectors work for you. More sneak peaks coming.

Also, I have one kit left of the "SHE" book. All pieces are pre-cut for you with exception to the paper piecing. Everyone in class said the book went together quickly and easily. Email me if you want it. I am taking it out to the Kansas Store before noon. You can pay and pick it up there.
Thanks, Kara
Soooooo cute!! This is going to be the coolest vacation book!
That will be a great class ! Cute Book Kara!
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