My horse-crazy, part surf-girl, ultra sweet daughter is 10 years old today! I can't believe it. She is now double digits. Where does the time go? It seemed like yesterday, she was running around in ball gowns and watching Peter Pan 100 times a day. It makes me so sad watching her grow up. Sometimes, I wish they would just stay little. Her Grandma and Great-Grandma are visiting from Iowa today. Hayden gets to pick where we eat lunch. I am 99% sure she will pick Bravo's. She loves Italian food. I attempted to make her a horse cake. I am still not Betty Crocker. She loved it. I am sure we will look back on the photos and laugh at it when she is older. I went through 3 1/2 cans of black frosting. Every one's teeth are going to be black. Happy Birthday, Haydee Mac! Love, Mom

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love your blog...linked you up!
have a great week!
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