The Partridge in a Pear treeThe class that almost killed me. Sally provided us with hand-cut glass and tin. Both were cut into a bird shape. She taught us how to collage like she does to create those amazing background that you see on her charms. WOW! It was so easy. Now the bird part-not so easy. I really thought this bird was going to peak me. The jagged tin and glass combination kept tearing my copper foil. I seriously wrapped it 7 times. Ali finally came to classes at the end and re wrapped the bird. I thought I was losing my mind. I probably was. The birds feet are tree branches wrapped in wire. Another amazing Sally Jean original. Lucky me.

A Snow globe
This amazing charm was cut from a bottle. We wrapped and wrapped and soldered and soldered. We filled the bottle with pearls and charms. The doll is a Charlotte doll from Germany. That alone was worth the class. The old abandoned doll factories in Germany have hundreds of dolls buried on the grounds from 1860's - 1910. Today there are people who are now digging them up, as they have become very collectible and are getting harder and harder to find. The Frozen Charlotte's come from the Limbach doll factory. Sandy and I decided to put a crown on her of solder and a little word on her tummy before sealing the snow globe. I attached the snow globe to an old clip-on earring and then to a pearl necklace that I have had for awhile. I believe it came from Forever 21. Sally Jean also taught us how to make those cool soldering pearls to place on the outside of the snow globe. I have forever wanted to know how to do that. Every second in the class was amazing and now I have new jewelry to wear.
Oh.. HOW FUN!!! What a bunch of gorgeous pieces! SOOOOO jealous here!
Oh what fun!
You do such a beautiful job! I took SJ's Virgin class in Portland. She's such a great teacher.
Thanks for sharing your new treasures, K :)
BRAVO!!! I LOVE this post! I loved the apron shot you took, your bird legs are awesome and how cool that you beaded around the snow globe! You were a pro with those jump rings and the importance is that you didn't give up on that bird..LOL! Great pix:)
Love those charms:) And the birdie...definitely worth the effort, don't ya think?!
I love it all! It all looks so awesome. Love the birdie especially. I keep meaning to take a soldering class. It looks like it would be really neat.
Kara!!! Oh how I wish I could have been there in those soldering classes with you! What beautiful things you made! It looks like you had a fantastic time! I DREAM of having one of those snow globe pendants!
Loved all your beauties and being able to spend time with you at SB. Thanks for all the laughs!
Just love your bird... so worth it!!!
I would love to know HOW to make the jump ring hop right on the charm...that's where I struggle!! Looks like you had an amazing time!
I loved Sally's snowglobe class too! Although, Mine is a little "wet" inside, from the flux that leaked it's way inside! Still, It was fun to make, and hopefully, I can try to do another soon!
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