I also signed up for the cupcake swap...Here is what I made. I made one for my swap partner, Stephanie and one for dear Wanda for hosting it. It was a ball to make and not to overwhelming since I only made 2.... The base of the cupcake is felt and the top of the cupcake is 1/2 of Styrofoam ball covered with Dimensions Felt Works wool. The ball on top is wooden and painted and glittered. The leaves are felt also.
Your charm turned out so cute. I love it! I am sad I didn't ver have a class with you nor did I catch you in the hallway to say hi. It was a magical event at that! I can't wait until next year! Hopefully I will catch up with you in person next time.
The cupcake is just the cutest, I would be thrilled to recieve this little treasure.
Cant wait to see them! I so wished I could have beent here to see you!
The charm is so pretty and that cupcake...just the sweetest! Yummy:)
That cupcakes is just adorable! Thanks for sharing pics.
How fun! The charms and the cupcakes are just too awesome! Can't wait to see more pics!
You lucky girl. How exciting to be at such a fabulous event and so much glitter, girls and creativity in one room... I love your charms with Mona Lisa and the cupcake is so cute. I bet you are in blissful heaven and it will take awhile to come down off that silver bella cloud.. look forward to more photos..
Kara , your silver bella swaps were gorgeous -- I love them -
Of course -make one of the snowcones -- they are not hard , just a lot of steps --It is in a class -online Its in the details ; can't wait to see what your make,Kathy - ga
Thank you sweet Bella friend for sharing this wonderful experience and for all the fun, creativity and laughter!!! Can't wait to see you soon!!!
Thank you sweet Bella friend for sharing this wonderful experience and for all the fun, creativity and laughter!!! Can't wait to see you soon!!!
I am so happy to have met you and thanks so much for helping me with my jump rings!
Sandy xox
Beautiful Royal charm! I'll be opening MY VERY OWN later today!!! Thank you!!!
Your cupcake is darling! I love how you created it with felt!
My one regret at Silver Bella is that I didn't get to meet everyone in person...such as you! But thank you for swapping with me (and many others!!)
I LOVED your charm too and that cupcake is just the cutest thing ever!!
I am floored! These are GORGEOUS!!!! ok, next time, can you make THREE cupcakes??? (wink, wink!)
LOVE what you did with the felt, awesome! You are such an inspiration, all this eye candy makes me not want to write articles but make stuff that's for me and not deadlines :-) Have a fun day!
So cute loved the cup cake well done! Gorgeous!
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